Monday, October 31, 2011

Why am I Homeschooling?

Well... here it is, my very first Blog Post! Now, the big question.... what to write about? Which element of my life will be of interest to others? What deserves precedence over other bits of my life? Hmmmm.... well I guess as my son is of school age he is constantly being asked "what school do you go to?" I will begin my blogging journey by discussing why I have decided to homeschool my children, and not merely follow the status quo and send him off to public or private school.

I had always had in the back of my mind to homeschool for a year or so while travelling... then I met some other homeschool families and read some books and did some research... and stumbled across some forums and now believe that this is right for my family! There is often an expectation for stay-at-home-mums to return to work when the kids 'go to school' - but in my mind - even if they did go to school, I would be the mum in the classroom helping out, or in the tuck shop, or on committees etc - I want to be involved with my kids and their education! I am a qualified teacher myself, and I just couldn't get my head around sending my kids to someone else who didn't love them, while I go off to spend all day with children who I don't love! I am so passionate about learning processes and I love seeing each and every discovery my children make every day.... why pass that priviledge to someone else when they turn 5??? Besides.... from having an 'inside' perspective - I know how much time is wasted in schools 'doing school' - and some of the recent experiences I have had whilst doing the odd day of casual relief teaching or short term contracts has really reinforced my views that I do not want to have my children in that environment. I know I can do better for my children than what is on offer in the 'system' - educationally, emotionally and socially. 

What are your reasons for homeschooling??

1 comment:

  1. " I am a qualified teacher myself, and I just couldn't get my head around sending my kids to someone else who didn't love them, while I go off to spend all day with children who I don't love!"
    That's exactly the line I use! That's why I homeschool :)
